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Reveal a healthy clear complexion

Beauty Products

Chemical peels can be a great option for addressing skin concerns such as skin damage, acne, dullness, texture, pigmentation, scaring, and fine lines.  Ultimately, peels are a great way to exfoliate the skin and unveil pristine new skin.  Chemical resurfacing solutions vary in their ingredients and strengths.  Therefore, a consultation and skin assessment must be completed prior to any in-office peel treatment to address your skin goals on an individual basis. 


During a peel treatment, you may experience tingling of the skin, mild stinging, and a heat sensation.  You will be closely monitored by your skincare professional at this time and appropriate measures will be facilitated to ensure care and comfort.  With post treatment, you may experience flushed skin, tightness, sensitivity, flaking, and peeling as fresh young skin emerges.  It's very important to follow post care instructions provided by your skin care professional.



45 min $150

Enhance & Revitalize

A great option if you are new to peels or don't get them often.  Delivers a gentle yet effective exfoliation that evens skin tone and enhances radiance.





15% off when you purchase a package of 4. Click 'Book Now' for this membership option.

*Includes Truth Treatment Systems after care kit to help manage healing and optimize results*

*Includes Truth Treatment Systems after care kit to help manage healing and optimize results*

Before and After


45 min $200

Address & Correct

A peel treatment tailored to address skin concerns at a deeper level.  This is a stronger, yet well tolerated peel offering more dramatic results.





15% off when you purchase a package of 4.  Click 'Book Now' for this membership option.

Flawless Skin


45 min $325

#1 Chemical Peel in the Industry

What sets VI PEEL aside from other peels is the unique blend of 5 acids (Retinoic Acid, TCA, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, Ascorbic Acid) designed to target multiple conditions.







15% off when you purchase a package of 4.  Click 'Book Now' for this Membership option.

*Painless application

*Medium-depth peel

*Results within 7 days

*Safe to use for all Fitzpatrick types I-VI

*Includes post peel take home kit


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